Having gone through all the effort of bringing a dress to Israel (thanks again Julianna Bridal!), we knew we had to use it more than once. What we could have never anticipated was all the amazing people we’d meet and friendships we’d make while we were there. One of the new friends we made was Jill—an adventurous, cute, joyful person.
Jill’s joy was radiant. You could pick her laughter out of a crowd (which happened often). Being so smiley and beautiful inside and out, it was hard to feel anything but her positivity. We knew that we had to ask her to work with us. When we offered the opportunity for her to model for us, she agreed with a big smile, of course!

“But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.” – Psalm 146:5
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