Wadsworth, Ohio
We are all going somewhere and whether we like the destination or not is entirely within our control.
On this rainy Ohio day it’s easy to look back on previous adventures and feel discouraged. It’s easy to feel like new adventures are too far away. Fortunately though, they aren’t that far away at all. Adventures are possible where we are right now. There is beauty in the everyday, simple moments in time that are worth capturing. Today I got to practice holding on to those moments. And more than just holding onto them, I was excited for them. Amanda and I spent the majority of our day playing inside, laughing and creating solely for the sake of doing it. It was amazing. It helps that we spent a portion of the afternoon planning and dreaming about our honeymoon. We are going to IRELAND!!! It’s going to be amazing. Amanda and I have gone once before and it’s one of our favorite places in the world, quite possible our favorite place. It’s going to be quite an adventure.
If you are looking for new opportunities go and make them. Live a life worth telling about, it’s waiting for you. Just like Ireland is waiting for me.

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